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Manoa Music

Table of contents


Manoa Music plans to tackle a problem for UH students with muscial talents. As it can be difficult for students to find others with similar musical tastes, talents, and capabilities.

Technologies we plan on using for “Manoa Music”:

User Guide

Landing Page

The landing page is the first page presented to the user. Helps with vistor to understand the features of the site.


Profile Page

The Profile page will show users other students the user’s name, profile photo, description, and links. Followed by this, their goals, instruments they use, capabilities, and genre of music they are interested in. a text box to leave a message


Sign in and sign up

The sign in and sign up page will allow users to sign in using their UH accounts which must have been previously registered within the system.


Create Profile

After Signing up, users are redirected to this page, where they can create and customize their own profiles. Not only will they be able to add their name and description, but they can also add tags associated with them, and even links.


User Home page

The User Home page shows a list of profiles that a user can search through. They can either search by name by using the search bar or use the filter options to limit profiles shown by instruments, goals, capabilities, and interests/genres of music.

UserHome UserHomeListProfile

Create Jam Session

The User can create and provid information on thier next Jam Session.


Jam Sessions

Provide information on scheduled jam sessions, including location, time, musical type, desired capabilities.


Admin Home page

After logging on from the sign page it will direct you to the said home page either user or admin which in this case the admin home page will allow you to manage all profiles with adding and deleting capabilities with overall categories. Has similiar features to User Home page.

AdminHome AdminProfileEdit

Add Tags Admin

The Admin have the option to add tags, such as adding insturument, goals and capabilities AdminAddTags

Admin Edit Page

The Admin Edit Page will allow you to edit a user’s profile including first name, last name, description, profile picture, goals, links(Soundcloud, spotify, youtube), instruments, capabilities, and genre of music. AdminEdit

Community Feedback

Developer Guide

Development History

Final Project: Milestone 1

Final Project: Milestone 2

Final Project Milestone 3

Example Enhancements

